Saturday, September 22, 2007

Time to take action and Save our Soaps

As long time fans of Soap Operas on ABC Daytime, we have seen the soap operas that we have grown up with, raised our children watching, and grown to love turned into an unrecognizable circus. Characters that we have loved have been killed off with no forethought, written out of character, or just disappeared from our television screens without any real explanation. In return, we have been inundated with characters that have no history with these shows and who we as fans have no real interest in watching.

Many fans have complained to the leadership of ABC Daytime to no avail. The current President of ABC Daytime, Brian Frons is not interested in maintaining the history or the integrity of the soaps that we love. Instead he and his team would rather force characters and story lines on the fans that we are not interested in seeing.

It is time that we as fans of the programming on ABC Daytime take a stand and let the people that be at ABC Media Group and at Disney know how we feel about the direction of the programming at ABC Daytime! We need to stand together as one voice and be heard...we can make a difference.

We the disenchanted fans of the programing at ABC Daytime are launching a letter writing campaign to protest the poor leadership of ABC Daytime. On the 11th of October, we ask that all concerned fans write a letter to Anne Sweeney, the Co-Chair of Disney Media Networks & President of ABC Media Group expressing to her your displeasure with the quality of the programming on ABC Daytime. We want to send these letters at the same time so that we can speak with one unified voice to the people that be at Disney/ABC. We also encourage you tell your friends and family about this protest and get them involved also. If you can, make copies of your letter and mail off more than one copy to Ms. Sweeney so that she will get the message that we are really fed up.

Please send your letters to:

Anne Sweeney
President ABC Entertainment
500 S. Buena Vista St
Burbank, CA 91521-4551
(310) 557-7777

If we stand together in our campaign to remove Brian Frons from leadership at ABC Daytime and restore our soaps, we can make a difference!


doloreshart said...

If we don't act now, daytime programming at ABC may be destroyed forever. The last 3 years has seen a steady decline in the daytime programs. Please write a letter and send it on October 11. One voice can not make a difference, but many voices acting as one can and WILL!

Anonymous said...

ABC needs to get back to basics in terms of their soap operas. AMC is not the soap that Anes Nixon created, get back to her vision. I only watch out of habit, I'm a 30+ year viewer.

Dee said...

Frons has made my beloved AMC almost unbearable to watch.

Enough is enough; I've had many characters I like destroyed by his direction of ABC daytime.

BTW, do I have to send the letter October 11th? I was thinking earlier.

Thanks for starting this petition Catkey.